>5 fantastici design, numero 8

>Ogni giorno visito vari siti web per studiarne la grafica e prendere ispirazione.
Catalogo spesso quelli che mi hanno più colpito, quindi condivido questi siti web nel blog, sperando che alcuni possano essere utili anche ad altri.
Continuiamo con altri 5 design 🙂

1. Lyften Designs (http://www.lyften.com/)

2. Twitter (http://twitter.com)

3. Meet Crush + Lovely. (http://crushlovely.com/)

4. Icon Desinger (http://www.icondesigner.net/)

5. FileSocial.com (http://www.filesocial.com/)

Quale preferisci?

  1. Archibald says:

    >It won’t be wrong to say that the IT sector has made the world stand up and take notice of the countries like India. India’s IT poweress is one reason why such massive deals like the Tata Chorus deal and the Hindalco Novelis deal could get shape and turn into India’s favor. Had it not been for the IT sector, there were chances that these multi million dollar deals would not have matured the way they have. http://www.infysolutions.com/resources/resources.html

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