Introduction If you’re starting a new PhoneGap project, probably you’ll have to support different languages. With native apps, each platform (Android, iOS, etc…) gives you all the needed tools to handle this problem. But what if we’re using a cross-platform technology like PhoneGap? In this article I will report a step-by-step guide to achieve this … Continue Reading
Acer aspire one could be useful to Android development, too
I know that the title is strange and surprising, but in the rest of the post you’ll understand why. Preface I have an OLD Macbook, with a very small RAM. I develop Android app. To develop Android app, I use Eclipse with the ADT plugin. Very often I need a browser to check documentations, search … Continue Reading
Hey Hey Hey (what’s happening!?)
A lot of water has gone under the bridge since the last time I’ve posted something on this blog. So, since that day, there are some news that I’m going to briefly report here: My first native Android App Facebook Friends Monitor is available on Google Play for free, and I’m happy about the … Continue Reading
>RIP Ritchie
>Ero indeciso se scrivere 2 righe ma, visti i precedenti degli ultimi giorni, questo altrettanto (e probabilmente più) grande uomo merita una piccola citazione.Sarò onesto, non avevo in mente il suo viso, o meglio l’ho sempre associato a questa figura 🙂 : Grazie per UNIX, il linguaggio C, il libro “The C Programming Language” (detto … Continue Reading